Scandic Uplandia
Prices hotel rooms:
Single room: SEK 1 100/night
Double room: SEK 1 300/night
Tripple room: SEK 1 500/night
To make a reservation:
- Booking is made via Scandic’s website www.scandichotels.se or by phone 08 517 517 00 (dial 1)
- Your booking code is: BMEG031121
- Payment must be made directly by the guest at the hotel by credit card
- Guests must provide credit card information at the time of booking to guarantee their room
- The bookings are made individually and handled as an individual booking
- Last day to be able to book with the Booking Code and get a special price is November 3, 2021
NOTE! after that, participants can book at the regular FLEX price, based on availability - The guest has the right to cancel their room no later than 18:00 on the day of arrival
- In case of early departure, the guest must notify the hotel 24 hours before departure for not to be liable for payment
- At No Show, the hotel reserves the right to charge one night
For more information about Scandic Uppsala Nord, please visit www.scandichotels.se/Uplandia »
Scandic Uppsala Nord
Priser hotellrum:
Single room: SEK 1 050/night
Dubbel room: SEK 1 250/night
Trippel room: SEK 1 450/night
To make a reservation:
- Booking is made via Scandic’s website www.scandichotels.se or by phone 08 517 517 00 (dial 1)
- Your booking code is: BMEG031121
- Payment must be made directly by the guest at the hotel by credit card
- Guests must provide credit card information at the time of booking to guarantee their room
- The bookings are made individually and handled as an individual booking
- Last day to be able to book with the Booking Code and get a special price is November 3, 2021
NOTE! after that, participants can book at the regular FLEX price, based on availability - The guest has the right to cancel their room no later than 18:00 on the day of arrival
- In case of early departure, the guest must notify the hotel 24 hours before departure for not to be liable for payment
- At No Show, the hotel reserves the right to charge one night
For more information about Scandic Uppsala Nord, please visit www.scandichotels.se/Uppsala »